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Karlstorbahnhof e.V.

Gemeinnütziges Kulturzentrum in Heidelberg

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A „Lila“ in the house

Urban Dance Academy mit Achraf Lansari

So 01.10.23 / 18:00 / TiK

Einlass 17:30


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Bild: A „Lila“ in the house

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„Lilas“ ist ein Begriff, der die zeremoniellen Zusammenkünfte und Rituale der Gnawa beschreibt. Diese Zusammenkünfte sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil ihrer Spiritualität und beinhalten Musik, Tanz und gemeinschaftliche Praktiken. Lilas werden oft organisiert, um spirituelle Heilung, Schutz und Segen zu suchen.

„A Lila in the House“ ist ein Projekt, das darauf abzielt, das Verständnis für die Heilkraft von Musik und Tanz zu vertiefen und die Lücke zwischen traditionellen spirituellen Praktiken und zeitgenössischen Ausdrucksformen zu schließen.

Achraf Lansari, ein selbsternannter movement seeker, DJ und Schöpfer elektronischer Live-Musik, wurde in Casablanca geboren und begann seine Tanzreise als zeitgenössischer Tänzer im Alter von 18 Jahren in Europa, wo er verschiedene Tanzstile erforschte: Hip Hop, Dancehall, Stepptanz, Contemporary und House.

+++English Version+++

„Lilas“ is a term used to describe the ceremonial gatherings and rituals of the Gnawa people. These gatherings are an integral part of Gnawa spirituality and involve music, dance, and communal practices. Lilas are often organized to seek spiritual healing, protection, and blessings. The lila progresses through different stages, each with its specific purpose and energy. It typically begins with an invocation of the spirits, followed by a series of musical and dance sequences. The intensity of the music gradually builds, and participants enter deeper states of trance and spiritual connection. „A Lila in the House“ is a work in progress that aims to deepen the understanding of the healing power of music and dance, bridging the gap between traditional spiritual practices and contemporary forms of expression. By merging the languages of these two worlds, this project seeks to create a transformative experience that honors the cultural roots of Gnawa music while embracing the spiritual potential of house dance, through movements that become a crucial element for understanding the healing process. allowing grooves and rhythms to guide. The research focuses on the similarities between the inherent grooves of Gnawa music and house music and how these rhythms affect the body’s energy, facilitating emotional release, and promoting a sense of well-being and transcendence.

Achraf Lansari, a self-declared movement seeker, DJ, and live electronic music creator, was born in Casablanca and began the dance journey as a contemporary dancer with Cie “Chant de la Terre”, at the age of 18, decided to head to Europe, where I embarked on a self-taught exploration of various dance styles: Hip Hop, Dancehall, Tap Dance, Contemporary, and House Dance.

Through House Dance, I discovered my true passion and felt a deep connection to my African roots, Driven by a thirst for exploration I started the research journey. where I seek to uncover the underlying „why,“ „what,“ and „how“ of this distinctive black dance culture.

Achraf Lansari

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