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Karlstorbahnhof e.V.

Gemeinnütziges Kulturzentrum in Heidelberg

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Hoe_Mies x Blank

Nooriyah, Meg10 & Azlay

Fr 31.03.23 / 22:00 / Klub

Bild: Hoe_Mies x Blank

We’re back at Karlstorbahnhof with something very special, and we’re completely thrilled to finally see this happen! We’ve teamed up with Berlin’s absolutely best empowering club night, Hoe__Mies to bring you a dream billing! Please welcome the unmatched queen of Middle Eastern sounds, the one and only Nooriyah for her very first time in Germany! Joining her, of course, Hoe_Mies‘ amazing very own host Meg10 alongside the big talent Azlay on support duties. This is going to be another one for the books!



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